As you may know, running is one of my passions. It keeps me sane. I began running long distance in college and ran my first half marathon in 2008. Because I was young and ambitious, I then challenged myself to run a half marathon in all 50 states. I had thoughts of partnering with a charity but struggled to find one I was truly passionate about. Later that year I suffered debilitating digestive symptoms and could barely walk, let alone run. Soon after, I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis, a disease that affects the large intestine. While researching the disease, I discovered Team Challenge, a community of beginner and seasoned endurance athletes fundraising to help find a cure for the 3 million Americans who struggle with Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, and other Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. I had found my charity. God sure has a funny sense of humor.
Since then I've run three races with Team Challenge (Massachusetts, California, and Nevada) and participated in numerous research studies such as the Pregnancy in Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Neonatal Outcomes (PIANO), IBD Partners, OTIS Autoimmune Diseases in Pregnancy Study, and others. These types of research are vital and wouldn’t exist without support from organizations like the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation.
In 2019, I completed my 27th state (Nevada). It was a victory race for me because I was healthy and raised $19,500 for the foundation! My 26th state in 2018 (Florida) was a mentally and physically challenging race for me as I was realizing I was in an active colitis flare and utilized many of the pit stops along the course. The last time I had similar symptoms I lost 27 pounds and spent a week in the hospital. Thankfully, with the help of my doctor and ongoing medical treatments, I am once again in remission and ready to show my colitis that it will never take running from me.
Details and photos about my running journey through the 50 states can be seen below.
Running in Boston.
* indicates I was pregnant with Anthony and ^ with Victoria